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Richfield Township Administrator Ms. Melinda (Mindy) Lott 

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Ms. Lott was appointed in May, 2014. She can be reached by calling the Administration office at 330-659-4700 or emailing

The Tow
nship Administrator:

Ohio Revised Code Chapter Five (5) (505.031 and 505.032) details the existence of the administrative head of the Township. 

The Township Administrator is appointed by the Board of Trustees serving under the direction and supervision of the trustees and at the pleasure of the board of trustees.

  • Assists in the administration, enforcement and execution of the policies and resolutions of the board;
  • Supervises and directs the activities of the affairs of the divisions of the township government under the control or jurisdiction of the board;
  • Attends all meetings of the board at which his/her attendance is required by that body;
  • Recommends measures for adoption to the board;
  • Prepares and submits to the board such reports as are required by that body, or as he/she considers advisable and;
  • Performs any other additional duties as the board may determine by resolution or assignation.